- If you haven't already received a quotation for the shipment(s) let us know immediately so we can confirm accodingly. We will need the number of cartons/pieces, weight, volume, commodity, origin port and destination airport to be able to quote accurately. Or perhaps a tariff of rates would be acceptable.
- Send us the contact details of the supplier, order number etc.
- Instruct the supplier or agent to liase with our origin office (Cromac Smith will supply details)
- Cromac Smith will keep informed throughout, but please feel free to call any time with your questions.
Cromac Smith Ltd, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, U.K. Tel: +44 (0)7933 510572 Email: sea-air-service@cromacsmith.com Web: www.cromacsmith.com Registered in England No: 2416452 NO PART OF THIS WEB SITE MAY BE USED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF CROMAC SMITH LTD |